Stay turned to hear about 2024-2025 school year coaching opportunities!
Indigenous Worldviews Meetup
Join the Writing Coaches of Montana team to learn about Indigenous Worldivews, an important topic to consider when coaching students from diverse cultural backgrounds. The meetup is open to all community members and facilitated by board member, Matt Bell, the Montana Office of Public Instruction's Tribal Relations & Resiliency Language & Cultural Specialist.
WCM is offering a lending library for community members to borrow books that reflect our meet-up topics. We have copies of the following titles. To borrow one, contact Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer;
Fools Crow by Montana author James Welch; Power & Place: Indian Education in America by Vine Deloria Jr. & Daniel R. Wildcat;
There There by Tommy Orange; Thunderous by Montana authors M.L. Smoker & Natalie Peeterse. We also encourage participants (and all WCM supporters!) to review the Essential Understandings Regarding Montana Indians:
Register in advance to receive discussion questions. Zoom link to join the meet-up: